ZMPC winning contract of the first highway and railway bridge in Fuzhou

Time:2018-07-20    Number:2731    【Big Middle Small】    

ZPMC won the contract of Daoqingzhou River-crossing Project of Fuzhou recently, another achievement of the Company in Fujian Province after Hongtan Bridge and Shachengwan Sea-crossing Bridge. The total structure for the Bridge will be 29,000t.

Daoqingzhou River-crossing Bridge is the first one for highway and railway in Fuzhou with the total length of 6.82km, of which the upper layer is for the municipal highway and the lower layer for Fuzhou subway No. 6. The main beam is of the two-layer triangle steel truss with the highway on the upper and the light rail on the lower.

The Bridge is an important river-crossing project between the urban area of Fuzhou and Changle, a municipal project of Fuzhou, improving the main traffic network of city clusters on Wulong River, promoting the construction of Mawei new city and Changle. It is an important measure to implement the development strategy of expending to east and south toward the sea along the river.

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