Shipment of Rail Mounted Gantry Crane Project for Vizhinjam Port in India

Time:2024-05-15    Number:752    【Big Middle Small】    

Recently, the vessel "Zhen Hua 35" departed from the terminal of ZPMC Changxing branch, carrying 4 rail mounted gantry cranes for Vizhinjam Port in India.

The equipment shipped this time includes 3 single cantilever rail mounted gantry cranes and 1 double cantilever rail mounted gantry crane. The cranes have a rated load of 41 tons, a rail gauge of 36.54 meters, a lifting height of 18.5 meters, and an outreach of 4.75 meters for single/double cantilever(s). They are equipped with functions such as RFID, CCTV storage, and RTLS real-time positioning.

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