"Zhen Hua 7" Successfully Loads an Engineering Vessel in Angola

Time:2024-05-15    Number:378    【Big Middle Small】    

 Recently, the vessel "Zhen Hua 7" successfully semi-submersed and loaded an engineering vessel in anchorage off the coast of Angola.

The loaded engineering vessel is a heavy lift ship measuring 100 meters in length, 30.5 meters in width, with a total weight of approximately 7368 tons. Due to the lack of any obstructions in the anchorage west of Luanda in the Atlantic Ocean, the vessel was directly impacted by surging waves during submersion and loading operations. The crew of " Zhen Hua 7" meticulously analyzed hydrological conditions and weather patterns, selecting the most favorable operational window. They closely monitored the vessel's buoyancy, strictly controlled the submersion time, and coordinated seamlessly with tugboats to minimize the impact of surging waves on the cargo, successfully completing the loading operation.

The cargo owners and insurers highly commended the Company's crew for their exceptional technical expertise and efficient service demonstrated during this loading operation.

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