Offshore Booster Station with World's Highest Voltage Level Is Successfully Applied

Time:2024-01-05    Number:1020    【Big Middle Small】    

Recently, the Yudean Qingzhou I Offshore Booster Station constructed by ZPMC, the world's largest AC booster station with the highest voltage level, has completed the inverse power transmission and the first batch of its turbines has been connected to the grid to generate electricity, marking the successful application of the offshore booster station with world’s highest voltage level.

The upper block of Yudean Qingzhou I Offshore Booster Station weighs about 6,450 t, and has an installed capacity of 1,000 MW, a voltage level of 500 kV and a four-story arrangement, with a maximum plan size of 55m×45m. ZPMC is responsible for the construction, transportation and installation of the booster station.

The booster station has successfully completed the inverse power transmission and grid connection of its first batch of turbines, laying the foundation for the subsequent full-capacity grid connection of the Qingzhou I and II offshore wind farms.

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