ZPMC Successfully Initiated an IEC International Standard Pre-research Project on Behalf of China

Time:2023-06-09    Number:872    【Big Middle Small】    

Recently, the eighth plenary session of the International Electrotechnical Commission's Technical Committee on Electrical Transport Equipment (IEC/TC125) was held in Ghent, Belgium. At the meeting, an international standard pre-research project on electrical transportation equipment led by ZPMC on behalf of China was initiated and ZPMC's technical expert was nominated as the leader of the project. The initiation of this project will lay a foundation for the formal launch of this international standard in the future.

At the meeting, Chinese experts shared a technical report related to the project, which explained the project's importance and necessity and made suggestions for conducting pre-research. After discussion, the meeting decided to carry out the pre-research project on this international standard in IEC/TC125 until 2026.

The approval of this project is an important step for ZPMC to enter the IEC and improves the international influence of ZPMC's electrical transportation equipment. The project leader of ZPMC will share the project's progress at the next IEC/TC125 annual meeting in October this year.

The IEC/TC125 Chairman, secretariat, technical officials and about 30 representatives of 7 delegations from China, France, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands attended the meeting.

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