Unloading of Three Projects Successively Completed by Indian Subsidiary

Time:2021-08-12    Number:991    【Big Middle Small】    

Recently, the Indian Subsidiary has successively completed the unloading of 13 rail-mounted gantry cranes (RTGs) of Adani Kattupalli project, Maersk GTI project and Adani Hazira project.

Affected by the COVID-19 abroad, the visa in India was suspended, and the domestic personnel for delivery of RTGs were unable to travel, so the headquarters of ZPMC actively communicated with the Indian subsidiary on three projects in advance to coordinate the on-site ship unloading, commissioning and delivery. The Indian Subsidiary gave full play to the advantages of localization, and the three delivery teams arrived at the site in advance and had detailed communication with users on berthing time, unloading arrangement, etc., to ensure smooth unloading.

The busy operation at the wharf, the users required that the unloading be completed within 24h from berthing to offshore. Although the unloading period was in the local rainy season, the Indian Subsidiary actively responded to the users' requirements, overcame the difficulties such as large surge and large tidal range change, and completed the unloading work as planned, which was highly praised by the users. Currently, the Subsidiary is actively preparing for the commissioning and delivery of RTGs.

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