"Zhenhua 33" Successfully Floated off 10 Engineering Ships in Tanzania

Time:2021-07-16    Number:290    【Big Middle Small】    

On June 26, "Zhenhua 33" successfully floated off 10 engineering ships at DAR ES SALAAM Port in Tanzania.

The DAR ES SALAAM Port in Tanzania is located in the Indian Ocean, with a tropical monsoon climate. In summer when westerly wind prevails, there are heavy precipitation, and big sea swell, and the unloading conditions there are poor. Through communication and coordination with the Port, "Zhenhua 33" can be transferred to the waters near the pilot station of the entrance channel for unloading. However, in order not to delay the navigation of the channel, it is necessary to complete the floating-off operation of 10 engineering ships in one day, with a large amount of work and tight operation time. In addition, there are many shoals and coral reefs in the waters near the pilot station, with narrow waters and poor seabed geology, which requires high accuracy of ship operation and increases the difficulty of operation.

Through active communication and coordination with the owner and other relevant parties, focusing the weather change in real time, scientifically formulating unloading plan and emergency plan, and optimizing the operation process, "Zhenhua 33" finally successfully completed the floating-off operation of the 10 engineering ships. The whole unloading process is safe and efficient, winning the affirmation and praise of the owner.

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