Shipping of Tuas Wharf Project in Singapore

Time:2021-05-13    Number:461    【Big Middle Small】    

Recently, the "ZPMC 35" loaded 4 Singapore PSA automatic double-trolley quay cranes, setting off from ZPMC Changxing Base Terminal. The rated lifting weight of the quay crane of the Project is 65t, with a forward extension of 73m and a rail distance of 35m. The speed of main and auxiliary trolleys is 270 m/min and 130 m/min. Through several key technical innovations, the intelligent and efficient upgrade of the automated quay crane with double trolleys has been realized.

During the production period, the Company's team overcomes the difficulties such as large quantity of construction, high quality and technical requirements, tight commissioning time and so on. Finally, the crane passes various test requirements to ensure the smooth shipment of the Project. The first two berths of Tuas Wharf in Singapore are scheduled to be put into operation by the end of 2021 and will become the largest fully automated wharf in the world when the Project is completed.

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