ZPMC's products into Mauritania, 103rd countries

Time:2019-11-27    Number:8004    【Big Middle Small】    

ZPMC signed the contract with Arise of Mauritania on two post-panama STSs with the lifting capacity of 65t recently, indicating the Company importing the products into the 103rd countries and regions in the world.

It is the first time for Mauritania to purchase such large port equipment. Such two STSs will be used in PANPA Terminal by Arise of Friendship Port, an important infrastructure constructed with the assistance of China in the 1970s. The Port is quite important for the development of the northwest of Africa, handling more than 90% imported cargos of Mauritania.

Mauritania is quite plain in the whole territory, of which two third is the desert. It is of the tropical desert climate. The foreign assistance is quite important for the development of the Country due to its less diversity in the economic structure and weak construction of infrastructures. The iron mining and fishery are two pillar industries for the national economy. 

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