Maersk Oman Tire Crane and India Tire Crane to be Shipped on the Same Vessel

Time:2021-11-02    Number:1046    【Big Middle Small】    

On the early morning of October 12, the "Zhenhua 19" Vessel loaded with 12 Maersk Oman tire cranes and 6 Indian tire cranes slowly left Nantong branch dock and headed for the user dock, marking the successful completion of the shipment.

The construction of Maersk Oman tire crane began in August 2020 and completed in September this year after 13 months. Since the start of construction, the project department implemented of the whole-process project control according to the user requirements and the feature of the project, and finally achieved the project objectives overcoming many difficulties, including the COVID-19 and bad weather, etc.

India tire crane project contains a total of 9 sets of equipment. The first batch of 3 sets of equipment has been shipped in August this year. This shipment is the second batch of 6 sets of equipment. The project department has finished all the durability test run work in early September, laying the foundation for the project to be shipped on time.

The "Zhenhua 19" Vessel berthed at the wharf of Nantong Branch on September 30. For complete the shipment smoothly, the project department of Nantong Branch and all the loading staff stuck by their posts and went all out during the National Day holiday and finally finished the shipment on time.

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