ZPMC winning contract on emergency rescue system for Antarctic Taishan Station

Time:2019-11-28    Number:8057    【Big Middle Small】    

ZPMC won the contract on emergency rescue system for Taishan Station recently to provide a set of emergency rescue system and a set of low temperature storage system for Polar Research Institute of China.

The system consists of emergency inland cabins, including large living module, power module, new passenger module and maintenance tool module. Such modules equipped to large sledges can be moved to any position by the snowmobile. The modules can be connected to make an emergency camp for inland expeditioners’ living and work in the field. Such system can be used for expeditioners to travel from Zhongshan Station to Taishan Station or Kunlun Station. The emergency rescue system can also be used as the spare life support system in case of any fault of the station.

The low temperature store system of 8 containers in separate operation in 4 different areas can be used to store frozen, refrigerated foods and science and medical samples needing storage under low temperature. The frozen and refrigerated areas both have different areas for supporting materials (including foods, meats, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables) and science (medical) samples. 

The Company started the business for the Antarctic projects in April, 2018 and provided 16 sledges for Polar Research Institute of China last year. ZPMC wins the contract, indicating the professional design ideas and solutions in movable module building winning the approval of users. ZPMC will continue to provide support for the Antarctic expenditure after winning the contract. 

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